The big top tents of the Universoul Circus, operating in Brooklyn on April 12, 2006.  <br />
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Founded in 1994 by Cedric Walker, Universoul Circus purports to be only the second all African-American owned circus in United States history, the first existing in 1893.  While the circus caters to an African-American audience (by operating mostly in largely black neighborhoods in cities with a large black populations) and has almost exclusively African-American performers the circus is of course open to all.

The big top tents of the Universoul Circus, operating in Brooklyn on April 12, 2006.

Founded in 1994 by Cedric Walker, Universoul Circus purports to be only the second all African-American owned circus in United States history, the first existing in 1893. While the circus caters to an African-American audience (by operating mostly in largely black neighborhoods in cities with a large black populations) and has almost exclusively African-American performers the circus is of...
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