Isaac Wilder, 21.  <br />
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"It was a specific technical thing [that brought me to the movement].  They used a certain set of language that I found really moving which was "horizontal mesh protest".  I'm a computer researcher and my area of interest is horizontal mesh computer networks.  So I saw that and I knew that it was meant to be, there is an incredible synergy there.  I think that as soon as we learn to organize our computer networks on a peer to peer horizontal mesh basis we'll learn to organize our society that way.  <br />
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I see it coming already [what will come from the protest].  It's a model of how to build a participatory direct democracy where everybody's voice is equal, where everybody gets their turn to speak, where we look out for each other.  This, this right here this is the story.  What we're doing for one another, with one another, is the story.  It's not about interfacing with external forces, it's about building something here and we're building the world we want to live in.  So what do I want to see come from this?  I want to see [gesturing around] a free medical clinic, free network access for the people, food, a library, a general assembly where they can take part in the political process that governs their life. And I see it already so I'm pretty sanguine that something beautiful is going to come from this."

Isaac Wilder, 21.

"It was a specific technical thing [that brought me to the movement]. They used a certain set of language that I found really moving which was "horizontal mesh protest". I'm a computer researcher and my area of interest is horizontal mesh computer networks. So I saw that and I knew that it was meant to be, there is an incredible synergy there. I think that as soon as we learn to organize our computer networks on a peer to peer horizontal...
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