Flambeau carriers march for Le Krewe d'Etat on February 12, 2010 in New Orleans.  While Le Krewe d'Etat is a relative newcomer to Mardi Gras, having first paraded in 1998, its practices are very traditional, including riders on horseback, flambeau carriers, and a heavy dose of satire on its floats as it parades on its uptown route.

Flambeau carriers march for Le Krewe d'Etat on February 12, 2010 in New Orleans. While Le Krewe d'Etat is a relative newcomer to Mardi Gras, having first paraded in 1998, its practices are very traditional, including riders on horseback, flambeau carriers, and a heavy dose of satire on its floats as it parades on its uptown route.


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Flambeaux: Carriers of the Flame