Barbara Quist. "Over 60".
"I want America back. I have seen what's been happening to it over the years and it's very distressing. I'm just very involved with trying to reclaim America and reclaim our environment, reclaim our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, reclaim a good life for all of the people of America. Stop wars, stop fracking, stop the corporatism- there's a lot. There is so much I could go on forever that needs to be corrected in this country. I...
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Barbara Quist. "Over 60".
"I want America back. I have seen what's been happening to it over the years and it's very distressing. I'm just very involved with trying to reclaim America and reclaim our environment, reclaim our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, reclaim a good life for all of the people of America. Stop wars, stop fracking, stop the corporatism- there's a lot. There is so much I could go on forever that needs to be corrected in this country. I love the country but it's so off course at this point in time that it's going to fall over.
I think its summed up easily in the word 'greed'. From capitalism run amok, from 'me-ism'. It should be about community, the fact that we're all Americans and that nobody is really better than anyone else. There shouldn't be a continual drain of the wealth from the producers to the idle rich, or to the greedy raking it in rich. The tricks that they have played on the American people with K Street and the Congress, which no longer represents the people, and the President who really isn't the President of the people anymore and our invasions of other lands, it all has to stop. It has to stop somewhere and this is the first time I've had real hope in such a long time. I love these people here. When are the stupid storm troopers gonna learn? You beat us, more people join us. And that's what's gonna happen and we're gonna win this one. For America."
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