Protesters with "Occupy Wall Street", having been blocked by barricades for the better part of two hours in Times Square are freed by the suddenly accomodating NYPD who decide to let them cross the street on October 15, 2011 in New York City.  While crowd estimates numbered in the tens of thousands, police tactics (including nets, motor scooters, barricades, arrests, and intimidation by riders on horseback) prevented the crowd, which had been split up, from joining together as one in the middle of Times Square.  By the time the NYPD removed some barricades and let protesters join each other their numbers had dwindled significantly as many went to a rally in Washington Square Park rather than wait in Times Square.

Protesters with "Occupy Wall Street", having been blocked by barricades for the better part of two hours in Times Square are freed by the suddenly accomodating NYPD who decide to let them cross the street on October 15, 2011 in New York City. While crowd estimates numbered in the tens of thousands, police tactics (including nets, motor scooters, barricades, arrests, and intimidation by riders on horseback) prevented the crowd, which had been split up, from joining together as one...
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