Samantha Tuttlebee, 33, and son Aiden, 13.  <br />
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"There are so many people here with so many different stories from so many different backgrounds that I think it gets confusing.  But I think the basic cause is simply people before profit.  In every aspect.  Services for people should come first.  It's not necessarily anti-government or anti-bank or anti-anything, it's pro-people.  A lot of the 'anti stuff' gets better coverage but a lot of us are actually just anti nothing we're just pro human rights.  <br />
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I've always felt that way but I learned a pretty hard lesson last year.  I got put on the heart transplant waiting list, I've been waiting for a little over a year.  Being on the transplant list I thought, 'I'll go on disability no big deal'.  I mean I've worked since I was 14 and worked in advertising for the past ten years, very good job.  So I went on disability and they said when your COBRA runs out you won't get picked up by SSI for a year.  I said I don't understand.  They said you make too much money, your disability check is just a few hundred dollars over what we qualify as needing assistance.  I asked what the disability is based on and they said it is based on your income.  So I'm being punished for making a middle class wage and they said pretty much and felt really bad.  There's just this terrible gap that middle class people that make a certain amount fall through.  This country, we need to have national health care it's just unacceptable.  I pay 43% rate for my taxes and now as of November 1st I have no COBRA, I have no health insurance, I don't know what I'm going to do.  <br />
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This country is backwards when it comes to education and health care and if we don't start from the ground up I don't think we're going to have a voice so this is really from the ground up, it's taking ground, gaining ground and hopefully having basic humanity come forward and say 'We agree!  Health care, education sounds good to us!' and have more people step up."

Samantha Tuttlebee, 33, and son Aiden, 13.

"There are so many people here with so many different stories from so many different backgrounds that I think it gets confusing. But I think the basic cause is simply people before profit. In every aspect. Services for people should come first. It's not necessarily anti-government or anti-bank or anti-anything, it's pro-people. A lot of the 'anti stuff' gets better coverage but a lot of us are actually just anti nothing we're...
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